{{options.currency.currency_code}} - {{options.quantity}} - {{options.product.name}}
  • {{options.currency.currency_symbol}}{{item.rate | number}}




{{options.quantity | number}} {{options.currency.currency_symbol}}{{options.product.rate | number}}
{{options.currency.currency_symbol}}{{options.adminCharge | number}}
{{options.currency.currency_symbol}}{{options.tax | number:2}}
{{options.currency.currency_symbol}}{{options.total | number:2}}
Sales Person: {{options.salesperson}}
If enabled quotes and invoices when created they will be sent to the customer directly. When disabled the invoice will be sent to {{options.salesperson}} and the Finance Team.
If enabled a quote will be sent according to the Auto Email options. Without a quote the start of the payment period begins immediately. Payment terms is 30 days.
If you are combining this sale with a Pulse or Canvas sales or renewal the admin fee is waived.
You can specify a different start date for the subscription, if it is in the future the customer will only be able to use the product from that date.
Quotes will be disabled.
If you have been involved in the sale process and will provide support locally the local office receives a 40% margin on the sale and your regular commissions apply.